Make-IT in Africa will be at the annual Make-IT Day live and in person again this year!
Join us, on the 22nd of June at 2022, Germany's largest business festival for digital movers and makers happening at the Funkhaus Berlin.
This year’s event is all about accelerating digitalization with tech-companies in developing and emerging countries. Get inspired by speakers from around the globe, discuss new Tech4Good trends with leading experts and network with other Make-IT partners, the BMZ and us:
Make-IT on stage:
Our high-level panel and innovation-roadshow not only discuss but also showcase the relevance of tech-companies for digitalization in developing and emerging countries.
Interactive Workshops:
Join our workshops and be part of BMZ's collaborative process for digital transformation or explore opportunities for digital government together with Egypt's ICT Ministry.
Make-IT Networking:
Meet us and everybody interested in development cooperation and digitalization at our Make-IT networking lounge throughout the day! There you can join our co-innovation quickie to explore new cooperation opportunities with us.
Write us an email to get your ticket :
Find out more about 2022 - - 2022: The business festival for digital movers and makers